Complaints Handling Policy
Defining a complaint
A complaint may be defined as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about actions taken or lack of action.
Complaints handling procedure
Once a complaint is received, on whatever the subject, it should be acknowledged in writing or email within 48 hours in general but circumstances or the nature of the complaint may need to be made sooner than that.
Whoever receives the complaint, as the first point of contact, must copy to Shelley Sander who will assess the complaint and refer to the trustees, when appropriate. This complaint will be handled within the specified time guidelines. If Shelley Sander is not available, then the complaint is to be sent to trustees to assess and action.
Following an agreement with Shelley Sander and the trustees, other agencies or parties may also be copied and then a suitable response or joint response agreed upon.
As part of the complaints process, a referral may have to be made to an agency such as CAHMS.
Contact Details
Where to send a complaint will be published on the website, generally impactbarnet@gmail.com.
Lessons Learnt / Record Keeping
Complaints should be regarded as a source of learning and improvement for the charity.
Impact Barnet will keep a record of ALL complaints received, the outcomes of any investigations and the reasoning behind the decisions made, any patterns will be discussed at Board Meetings.
Policy to be reviewed annually.
Last reviewed: May 2024 Next review: May 2025