General statement of policy.
Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities.
The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements, which we will make to implement the policy, are set out below.
The policy will be kept up-to-date, particularly to take account of changes in working arrangements. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed annually.
Responsibilities – IMPACT BARNET
Overall responsibility of Health and Safety falls to the trustees of IMPACT BARNET and the day to day management of this will be overseen by the Director.
Risk assessments will be conducted by the Director and approved by the trustees of IMPACT BARNET. Any issues arising from risk assessments will be reported to the trustees by the Director.
Volunteers will be consulted on health and safety matters through IMPACT BARNET and the meetings for all volunteers and staff.
All volunteers and staff members have the responsibility to cooperate with IMPACT BARNET to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.
Whenever a volunteer or staff member notices a health or safety problem, which they are not able to put right, they must straightway tell the manager.
Section 1 – Relates to the St Johns Parish Centre.
First Aid and Accidents
1. First Aid boxes are kept in:
The Parish Centre Kitchen
The Parish Centre Lobby (next to the key cupboard)
The Youth Van
The Parish Centre manager is responsible for equipping the First Aid boxes. Whenever a volunteer or staff member uses an item from a First Aid box, they should inform the manager.
2. IMPACT BARNET does not always undertake to provide a qualified first aider, but volunteers and staff members will be informed if there is one.
The Accident Book is kept in the Parish Centre Kitchen during the Youth club Sessions. All accidents should be reported to the manager. The person responsible for reporting accidents to outside authorities is the organisation manager. Each volunteer and staff member is responsible for ensuring that a note of any
accident, however apparently trivial, is made in the Accident Book as quickly as possible.
Fire Safety
The fire evacuation and procedures are shown on notices throughout the Parish Centre (youth club).
All volunteers and staff members are responsible for familiarising themselves with it and, in particular,
with the location of fire exits and escape routes. Fire practises will be held once a year.
The Parish Centre manager is responsible for ensuring that the fire alarm is properly maintained and
regularly tested. He is also responsible for ensuring that the agreed number and type of fire extinguishers
are in place and properly maintained. The maintenance contract is currently with London fire service
All users are responsible for ensuring that escape routes are kept clear. Any problem in doing this should be reported to the manager.
Fire Extinguisher Locations
Parish Centre Kitchen
Parish Centre Office Office
Parish Centre Basement
Parish Centre Lobby/Entrance hall
Advice, Consultancy and Training
Health & Safety is the responsibility of the organisation.
369085637. IMPACT BARNET will ensure it has access to advice from the Health & Safety officer if necessary.
369085638. Any provision for training in health and safety matters is the responsibility of the Director.
Waste Disposal
Waste is removed three times a week by the Parish Centre cleaner who has responsibility to prepare it
for disposal. Volunteers and staff members should put rubbish in the bins provided or, in the case of
larger items, discuss disposal with the manager. Disposal of all breakable or dangerous items should
be discussed with the manager who is responsible for ensuring the waste is put out in a safe manner.
Policy on Smoking
369085638. The Parish Centre and the Youth Van are both Non- Smoking premises in line with current laws. Notices
are displayed to this effect
Section 2 – Outside visits including use of the van.
A risk assessment form to be completed for each venue and reviewed annually or if a major change in circumstances.
Risk assessments to be completed alongside any assessments carried out by individual schools and work in conjunction with their policies and Health and Safety officials.
Risk assessments to be carried out for any special visits or activities.
Section 3 – Use of other premises.
If the Impact Barnet Team use any offices then a general risk assessment should be carried out, fire evacuation etc before using on a longer term basis.
Section 4 – General Information.
The person/persons responsible for Health and Safety is :
The various templates to be used are attached to this policy – Risk Assessment form.
Covid 19 – Impact Barnet will comply with all current advice and legislation when carrying out tasks and duties and respect schools working arrangements.
Policy will be reviewed annually and shown on the website.
Last reviewed: May 2024 Next review: May 2025